Yellow band disease is spreading

This affliction etches a swath of pale-yellow or white lesions along the surface of an infected coral colony. The discoloured band is a mark of death, indicating where the bacterial infection has killed the coral’s photosynthetic symbionts, called zooxanthellae. The coral host suffers from cellular damage and starves without its major energy source, and usually does not recover.

New US Entry Procedures Take Effect

The Department of Homeland Security is introducing the new system to replace the current Visa Waiver Program (VWP). All countries currently eligible to use the VWP will be legally required to obtain authorization before their departure.

Applications are free of charge and are processed in about four seconds. Approximately 14,000 people are currently registering with ESTA daily with an approval rating of 99.6%. Travelers should be aware that a number of websites that are not endorsed by the US government are charging a fee for ESTA information or application processing.

Ana the Green Turtle swims from Indonesia to Australia

Her journey across the Indian Ocean from a nesting beach in East Java to Kimberley in Western Australia demonstrates the strong biological ties between Indonesia and the reefs on the west Australian coast.

“Ana’s journey has revealed an ‘oceanic superhighway’ that helps us better understand how marine turtles navigate around the world’s oceans as well as highlighting the strong ecological and evolutionary connections between Indonesia and Australia’s Kimberley-Pilbara coast,” said Gilly Llewellyn, WWF Ocean’s Program Leader.