Blaineville's beaked whales regularly dive over 1000 meters for over an hour in search of prey which varies from 400-1000 meters.
Blaineville's beaked whales regularly dive over 1000 meters for over an hour in search of prey which varies from 400-1000 meters.

Beaked whales found to forage off the Bahamas

Beaked whale species are thought to be sensitive to noise arising from certain human activities; in 2000, beaked whale strandings were observed coinciding with naval sonar exercises in the Bahamas.

Understanding the distribution and behavior of these species is important to minimize harmful impacts from human uses of the ocean.

A research team from Duke University, Woods Hole, and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center listened for foraging beaked whales and measured ocean features and distributions of prey off the eastern coast of Andross Island in the Bahamas.

Male cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, prefer females with a larger pelvic fin, which indicates good body condition, proving that male mate choice may lead to changes in the scale of a female sexual trait.
Male cichlid fish, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, prefer females with a larger pelvic fin, which indicates good body condition, proving that male mate choice may lead to changes in the scale of a female sexual trait.

Female fish tango too

Pelvicachromis taeniatus is a dwarf cichlid from West Africa that is occasionally kept as an aquarium fish In this species, females seek to impress potential mates as well by fanning out their large, violet pelvic fin.

The results, published this month in BMC Evolutionary Biology, also suggest male choice can drive females to evolve exaggerated traits, a finding that disputes the traditional belief that sexual selection is a one-way road, allowing only females to affect male appearance.