Pairs & Companions: Contributors’ Picks

Photo by Anita George-Ares
Photo by Anita George-Ares. Thorny seahorses, Dumaguete, Philippines. Gear: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 camera, Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 macro USM lens, Ikelite housing, two Ikelite DS161 strobes. Exposure: ISO 200, f/11, 1/160s

We asked our contributors to share their favorite photos that show pairs and companions, or two of a kind, and they returned with a range of macro to wide-angle shots, featuring a variety of marine life large and small from around the world.

It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas… Nitrox in Sport Diving: How It All Began

Scuba diver on nitrox at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. (Credit: G.P. Schmahl / NOAA / NOS / NMS/ CC BY 2.0 DEED)

This article is an abridged version of an early chapter in Simon Pridmore’s history of the early days of technical diving, Technically Speaking—Talks on Technical Diving, Volume 1: Genesis and Exodus. The nitrox saga would end up as the subject of vitriolic debate and bitter division in the sport diving community for half a decade. This is its origin story.