

Sphinx and Giza pyramids
Sphinx og Giza pyramiderne

Egypten lemper restriktioner for fotografering

Hvor mange af os der har været på dykkerrejse til det Røde Hav og Egypten har egentligt været klar over at det åbenbart ikke har været tilladt at fotografere i det offentlige rum i Egypten uden at søge tilladelse derom.

I hvert fald har både landets egne indbyggere og tilrejsende turister har længe klaget over at myndighederne har afkrævet sådanne tilladelser og at fotoudstyr i nogle tilfælde endda er blevet beslaglagt selv i tilfælde hvor de påkrævede tilladelser faktisk forelå.

Japan's Hachijō-jima

Wrought iron and Japanese butterflyfishes forming a loose shoal, Hachijō-jima, Japan. Photo by Richard Smith.

Japan’s diving scene used to be a well-kept secret, but more and more people have realised that Japan has much more to offer than just sushi and karaoke. The country spans a vast latitudinal range, from the tropical south where coral reefs dominate around Okinawa and the other Ryukyu Islands, into the almost subarctic north. As a result, its biological diversity is great, with many different habitats accommodating a wide array of species.

Australia: Victoria's Secret

“You can dive in Melbourne?” was the baffled response from a Queensland hotel concierge upon telling her I was heading to Victoria to dive. And this was from an Australian who WAS a diver! When overseas visitors think of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef immediately comes to mind. However, Australian diving is not just about coral. Along the continent’s southern coast is an undersea world far removed from the tropics.