
Super Sub

Dutch submersible manufacturer, U-Boat Worx, reveals the fastest addition yet to its fleet of models - the Super Sub.
Dutch submersible manufacturer, U-Boat Worx, reveals the fastest addition yet to its fleet of models - the Super Sub.

Super Sub kan kendes på den lange hale og avancerede vingedesign og er udstyret med et fremdriftssystem bestående af fire kraftige thrustere, der lyder i alt 60 kW, hvilket giver mulighed for dykke og stige op i en stejl 30 graders vinkel

Australia: Victoria's Secret

“You can dive in Melbourne?” was the baffled response from a Queensland hotel concierge upon telling her I was heading to Victoria to dive. And this was from an Australian who WAS a diver! When overseas visitors think of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef immediately comes to mind. However, Australian diving is not just about coral. Along the continent’s southern coast is an undersea world far removed from the tropics.