SNSI Expansion Welcomed in Latin America

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SNSI Expansion Welcomed in Latin America

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With all the SNSI educational materials now available in Latin American Spanish, including the training videos in Spanish available on You Tube and Vimeo, SNSI has been overwhelmingly warmly welcomed throughout Latin America.

The materials being available in the areas native Spanish language and in all the delivery formats, printed, digital, interactive and online truly speaks to the long-term commitment by SNSI to this important Region.

SNSI is proud to be the first Internationally recognized agency with truly interactive digital materials, as well as the printed versions. At SNSI we respect your decision to what method of delivery of educational training materials is best for your business. We are a service providers and work diligently to help you obtain your goals.

For a sample view of the Open Water Diver Manual in Spanish please visit:…

The response has been beyond anything we could have anticipated, says Fulvia Lami, CEO. We have had several hundred instructors and centers recently join SNSI. We are fortunate to have been able to partner with an experienced group of business people dedicated and focused exclusively to the Education of Scuba in Latin America. Individuals, that have built a loyal respect and recognition for their service and trustworthiness, for over twenty years they have serviced the region with personal attention to the particular needs of each country. Ms Lami added we are fortunate and proud to have Frank Palmero a well-known industry professional joining the SNSI management team.

The Dive Centers have gladly and rapidly embraced SNSI at having such a flexible modern system available to them in the native language of Spanish. We are a family… the SNSI family, says Ms. Lami ; and we continue to grow worldwide. As a family we support each other by referring SNSI divers to SNSI Dive Centers, Resorts and Charter Operations. With the freedom of printing their own certification cards, and the opportunity of including the Dive Centers’ logo in the materials and the certifications it is easy to see why so many are naturally embracing SNSI

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