OZTek2019 just around the corner

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OZTek2019 just around the corner

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In October 2018, an expedition to commemorate and document the 100th anniversary of the Scapa Flow wrecks is being undertaken by MV Halton and MV Huskyan, skippered by Emily Turton.

Emily will be at OZTek to show us the results, along with Professors Chris Rowland and Kari Hyttinen, two extraordinary divers/scientists at the absolute cutting edge of 3D photogrammetry. 

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Celebrating 20 years of
OZTek Dive, Training & Travel Show


As well as incredible first-hand adventures- there is SO MUCH more to experience – travel destinations, liveaboards, Australian adventures, new innovations, equipment, training, photography (cameras, housings, strobes, lenses…), dive instruments, compressors, wet & dry suits, photographic exhibitions and workshops ... the list is too long to write. Find out more here ..

OZTek2017 Dive & Travel Show
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Securing your accommodation - Sydney is beautiful but busy and in March, hotel rooms can be a bit thin on the ground ... we have two hotels we regularly use and which offer special rates for OZTek but there are also many other options.

We also recommend looking at online systems if needed.


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