Elysium Artists for the Arctic Expedition Confirmed for 2015

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Elysium Artists for the Arctic Expedition Confirmed for 2015

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World’s Leading Nature Artists Raise Awareness of Impact of Climate Change on Arctic Region

A team of some of the world’s leading artists has joined Elysium – Artists for the Arctic, an expedition that will capture images of the flora and fauna of the high Arctic to raise awareness of this unique region’s severe threat from global warming. Sixty team members from around the world will launch from Longyearbyen in Norway on August 2015 and navigate one of the most at-risk ecosystems in the world. Their mission is to raise awareness of the fragility of the region by documenting stunning visual interpretations of the flora, fauna and landscapes of the Arctic.

To achieve these ambitious goals, some of the world’s most celebrated nature artists, explorers and scientists have joined the expedition as principal team members. They include Dr. Sylvia Earle PhD, David Doubilet, Jennifer Hayes, Wyland, Amos Nachoum, Leandro Blanco, Ernie Brooks, Cabel Davis PhD and Michael AW (Project founder and Leader).

The project aims to launch a systematic global awareness campaign that increases public and government understanding of the impact of climate change and ocean change in the Arctic region, and how changes in our oceans have a significant impact on global warming. The Elysium team will create a range of compelling visual stories, including exhibits, events, a documentary, a one-of-a-kind commemorative photography book and other media to raise awareness of the issue globally.

The expedition will launch on 29th August, 2015 from Longyearbyen, Norway, and will travel a route that brings them into the high Arctic, visiting North Spitsbergen, North and East Greenland and Iceland. Besides panoramas of glaciers, icebergs and snowy mountains, the team will also capture images of polar bears, walruses, belugas, narwhals, arctic fox, auks, snowy owls, muskox, arctic hares and fin and blue whales.

The expedition platform is the 71 meter MV Polar Pioneer, also known as the Akademik Schuleykin. Specially chartered for the expedition, the ice-strengthened research vessel was built in Finland in 1982 and will be supported by six zodiacs.

“We believe we can avert the global climate change collision course and save the Arctic,” said Michael AW. “This special team will produce a momentous documentation of the Arctic and its marine life, and will inspire, invigorate and call people and governments to action to ensure the survival of this unique ecosystem –and ultimately, ensure our survival on planet Earth.”

Many species of Arctic animals, including polar bears, sea birds, whales, seals and artic fishes will have trouble keeping themselves fed as changes to the Arctic region limit their ability to feed due to sea ice loss and its impact on the entire food chain. The expedition goal is to encourage people and governments to act now to prevent further irreparable damage to the region, and our planet.

For more information or for sponsorship opportunities, please visit ElysiumEpic.org or email Ed Dixon, Ed@OGSociety.org