Critter & Macro @ Gulen

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Critter & Macro @ Gulen

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In November and out December we are open for people that want to do Critter and Macro diving. We can offer super macro diving on our house reef full of life and possible Northen light as a + reason to go. Prices are reduced with 30% to jump start this new consept, and can only be booked with 1 + 1 buddy or more than two persons. Open dates from 5th to 22 November and 15th to 23 of December. (Closed 24-31th of December) Red more here

Price below is after discount for November & December 2017

One week option Only €826 per person

Find pacages here: Critter & Macro  Discount code: macro

Northen lights is possible to see in Gulen, not always strong and not always as much as in the north but still we see a lot of nothen lights, and if you bring a camera you will have one extra opportunety to shoot some very nice pics.

Pheriphylla Safari + Northen lights options

Next event is the Pheriphylla safari in January, this is among our most spectacular dive events. Only one opportunety every year, and spectacular wreck dives on daytime. If you have time, and want to dive something special, take a couple of days from work, and visit us. Dates 10-14th of January 2018. The weather is good with an average temperatur of 7 degree celsus in the water and on land. Red more here
Price below is after Discount.

Periphylla Safari Only €686 per person

Find pacages here:  Pheriphylla Safari  Discount code: pheriphylla18

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