Silence of the Sharks Conference and D-Dive

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Silence of the Sharks Conference and D-Dive

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More than 70,000,000 sharks are hunted and killed every year.
That’s about 200,000 sharks every day!
8,000 every hour!

They cannot stand up for themselves
We will give them our VOICES.

You are invited to take part on a 3-day international Shark conference, followed by a live broadcasted underwater protest dive with over 500 divers.

When: October, 19-22, 2017
Where: Eilat, Israel
For Program & Time Table, go to

Why: Sharks are essential for a healthy marine ecosystem
As a keystone species, they keep ocean life balanced and productive.
Killing them to extinction is not only a cruel threat to them,
It is also thread to all of us.

No sharks = no marine life

Our goals are raising awareness and bringing the most influential environmental activists together to design a unified global action plan to save sharks.


What can you do?
Give sharks your voice by:
1. Tell everyone you know about SILENCE OF THE SHARKS,
share this page with your family, friends, and everyone you know.
2. Be an active part of the solution by join the event and/or congress
come to Eilat and make it even more FINtastic.
3. Support our crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo and become a shark ambassador,
activist or even a fanatic. FINtastic.