
Backscatter Xterminator

Backscatter Xterminator

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I was amazed when all the little backscatter dots that ruined my image disappeared with a single click. Backscatter Xterminator is an excellent gift for underwater photographers.

Med backscatter
Sample photo before filter being applied

Every underwater photographer has experienced the frustration: you've captured a perfect shot, perhaps one you've been planning for, only to find it marred by backscatter. The hours spent in Photoshop or Lightroom, painstakingly removing hundreds of these pesky dots, often end in dissatisfaction.

Thankfully, those days are over. Erin Quigley, a renowned American underwater photographer and image editing expert, has developed a solution: the Backscatter Xterminator Photoshop plugin. This tool, designed for ease of use, is a game-changer in the world of underwater photography.

When I first heard about it, I thought it sounded too good to be true! But after downloading Backscatter Xterminator and trying it out on a few of my own images, I have been sitting back with my hands in the air, cheering myself on. With a single miraculous click, the programme removes almost 100% of all those tiny destructive dotswithout degrading the rest of the image! Its effectiveness is truly reassuring.

Same image after filter being applied.  Nothing further has been done to the photo.


I highly recommend trying Backscatter XTerminator at Go Ask Erin where there is a 48-hour free version. Backscatter Xterminator is a game changer in the fight against Backscatter. 

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