June 2018

Louisiana House Bill Prohibiting Dive Professionals from Promoting Professional “Certifications” Amended


HB 748, the “Occupational Licensing Review Act” was originally proposed with the intent of increasing employment opportunities in Louisiana by loosening licensing requirements for certain jobs. DEMA and other associations objected to wording in the initial text that would have restricted individuals holding a voluntary certification from using the term “certified” in their title.

Some rockpool prawns prefer to stick with the food they found while others tend to forage for more choices.

Shy prawns fare better than bolder ones

Scientists at the University of Exeter studying rockpool prawns (Palaemon elegant) have discovered that they exhibit different personalities, and those that are "shy" tend to fare better when competing for food.

The findings of their study was published in Volume 140 of the journal Animal Behaviour.

In the study, the prawns, all taken from the Gyllyngvase beach in Falmouth, were tagged and tested on their level of boldness by placing them in an unfamiliar tank and observing how much they explored and ventured to the centre.

Emperor Pegasus Reloaded

Improvements to enhance guests’ comfort include:

- New storage system for 100 tanks without the need to have them standing around on the floor of the dive deck.

- New hangers for suits over the diving platform, so those are out of your way when setting up your gear.

- More space on the dive deck by removing hatches and storage boxes, plus 4 new spaces for diver and gear.

- Enlarged sundeck for better relaxing between dives & snorkel excursions.